
Core Extension

Get Core Assets by Collection

Returns the information of all MPL Core assets with the given authority including their metadata, owner and parsed Plugin data, plus data inherited from collection.

Code example

Replace the <ENDPOINT> with your personal RPC and the <PublicKey> value with the public key of the Collection whose NFTs you want to fetch.

import { createUmi } from '@metaplex-foundation/umi-bundle-defaults';
import { dasApi } from '@metaplex-foundation/digital-asset-standard-api';
import { das }  from '@metaplex-foundation/mpl-core-das';
import { publicKey } from '@metaplex-foundation/umi';

const umi = createUmi('<ENDPOINT>').use(dasApi());
const collection = publicKey('<PublicKey>');

const assets = await das.getAssetsByCollection(umi, { collection });

Example Response

This example has only one object in the array. For Collections with more than one Core asset the Array will include more entries.

    publicKey: '8VrqN8b8Y7rqWsUXqUw7dxQw9J5UAoVyb6YDJs1mBCCz',
    header: {
      executable: false,
      owner: 'CoREENxT6tW1HoK8ypY1SxRMZTcVPm7R94rH4PZNhX7d',
      lamports: [Object],
      rentEpoch: 18446744073709551616n,
      exists: true
    pluginHeader: { key: 3, pluginRegistryOffset: 179n },
    royalties: {
      authority: [Object],
      offset: 138n,
      basisPoints: 500,
      creators: [Array],
      ruleSet: [Object]
    key: 1,
    updateAuthority: {
      type: 'Collection',
      address: 'FgEKkVTSfLQ7a7BFuApypy4KaTLh65oeNRn2jZ6fiBav'
    name: 'Number 1',
    uri: '',
    content: {
      '$schema': '',
      json_uri: '',
      files: [Array],
      metadata: [Object],
      links: [Object]
    owner: 'AUtnbwWJQfYZjJ5Mc6go9UancufcAuyqUZzR1jSe4esx',
    seq: { __option: 'None' }
Get Core Assets By Authority