

JSON Schema

The off-chain JSON metadata for Metaplex Core assets is similar to the Metaplex Token Metadata standard. However, since more data can be stored on-chain in the asset itself using plugins, some of the data like attributes can in addition be stored on chain.

Schema Examples

Below are examples for the different known types of NFTs. It's important to note that all of these different types can also be part of a single Asset using the image, animation_url, and properties fields. All the different fields are further described in the JSON Schema Fields section.

JSON Schema Fields

Below explanations for the different fields can be found.

If you miss some fields that you knew from Metaplex Token Metadata those are probably deprecated. The creators for example are part of the Royalties Plugin now.

Required Fields

  • name: The name of your NFT asset

    • Example: "Solana Monkey #123", "Degen Ape #45"
  • description: A detailed description of your NFT

    • Example: "A rare cosmic monkey floating through the Solana blockchain"
  • image: URI pointing to the primary image of your NFT

    • Example:
    • Supports: PNG, GIF, JPG/JPEG
  • category: Type of NFT content

    • Examples: image, video, audio, vr, html

Optional Fields

  • animation_url: URI for multimedia attachments

    • Example:
    • Supports: MP4, GIF, GLB, HTML
  • external_url: Link to an external website for the NFT

    • Example:
  • attributes: Array of traits and their values. These can alternatively be stored onchain using the Attributes Plugin

    • Example:
        "trait_type": "Background",
        "value": "Galaxy"
  • properties: Additional metadata including files and categories

    • files: Array of all assets associated with the NFT. the type is the MIME type of the file.
        "uri": "",
        "type": "image/png"
What is an Asset?