

addBlocker Plugin

The addBlocker Plugin is a Authority Managed plugin that allows to forbid adding additional authority managed plugins. This means you as an authority have to be sure that all plugins that you might need in the future have been added before. Even Plugins that are new features could not be added. It can only be added by the update authority.

The exception to this are user managed plugins for assets like the transfer and freeze delegate plugins. Those can always be added, even after the addBlocker has been added.

This plugin can be used on both the MPL Core Asset and the MPL Core Collection.

As it is for other plugins, like royalties when it is assigned to an MPL Core Collection the MPL Core Asset also is used on the Asset. So if it is added to a collection plugins cannot be added to asset anymore, too.

Works With

MPL Core Asset
MPL Core Collection


The addBlocker Plugin requires no arguments.

Adding the addBlocker Plugin to an Asset code example

Adding a addBlocker Plugin to an MPL Core Asset

import {
} from '@metaplex-foundation/mpl-core'

await addPlugin(umi, {
  asset: asset.publicKey,
  plugin: {
    type: 'addBlocker',

Adding the addBlocker Plugin to a Collection code example

Add addBlocker Plugin to Collection

import {
} from '@metaplex-foundation/mpl-core'

await addCollectionPlugin(umi, {
  collection: collection.publicKey,
  plugin: {
    type: 'addBlocker',
Attribute Plugin